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Bahco TAH2855 Wire Twisting Pliers with Safety Ring 224mm

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Bahco TAH2855 Wire Twisting Pliers with Safety Ring 224mm
Ex. VAT £114.54 Inc. VAT £137.45

Sorry, this item is out of stock until 26 March 2025

Bahco is a member of DROPS (Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme), an industry-wide initiative focused on preventing dropped objects.


Safety ring in the metallic part to avoid losing handle.
Black finish, anti-corrosion treated.
Extremely fast and time-saving by consistently twisting.
Can be used for any wire length and any twist length.
When the pliers grip the wire, any number of twists can be made by pulling out and pushing in the spinner knob.
To secure, with wire, all critical places which are exposed to vibration.
Jaws angled at 30º and serrated, with cutter.
Capacity: Wires up to Ø 1.04 mm.
All Bahco Tools at Height solutions are approved according to DROPS’ best practices and are also certified by TESICNOR.